General Information

Introduction to Junior Bowls

At B.I.B.C in an attempt to remove the stigma that bowls is “an old man’s game“ every Saturday morning throughout the year we have a dedicated group of bowls coaches who run a junior coaching session from 10am until 12pm.  The groups ages range from 6 years upwards and we have at the moment 14 regulars who are taught not only how to hold the “Jack and Bowl” but how to stand on the mat and “deliver” both of them.

Bowls is a very “social” game which can be played by anyone, for children who don’t enjoy physical sport, football, cricket, etc. for whatever reason, bowls can be a great alternative, for all children, irrespective of any disabilities they may have. We have “bowls buggies” which are electric or manual wheelchairs especially adapted to travel on the rink carpet.

Our juniors also take part in various competitions, prior to Covid we were invited and went to play in the “Festival of Bowls” in Belfast.  We have been to Jersey, Poole to play their juniors and alternate years they come to Bristol to play.  We have also played against the Rhondda Juniors in the past, travelling to Wales (parents, friends and family members are encouraged to come along to support when possible).  Last year we took the juniors to play against a national under 18’s team from Derby, we didn’t win but the juniors enjoyed the experience!

To fund these trips the coaches and parents hold “fund raising” events such as Bingo on first Friday of every month throughout the winter season and hold occasional ‘race nights!.  We also have a jar on the bar into which members very kindly put any loose change (which soon mounts up over the weeks!).  The favourite fund raiser the juniors enjoy the most, is when we invite the parents to play against their children (secretly the parents enjoy it just as much!) and the juniors help with the coaching.

Children are welcome to turn up with a parent on any Saturday morning at 9.45 to join in the coaching session and after three weeks they decide whether they wish to continue, they then join the club.  Junior membership is £15 per year and rink fees for the Saturday morning two hour session is £2.50!  The club top is £5 but as the child grows providing the shirt is returned to the club in a good, clean condition it will be replaced free of charge for a larger size.

The junior will be expected to wear their shirt every Saturday with black/grey trousers and flat bottom shoes/trainers without any ridges.

If you have any questions or would like further information please call Bristol Indoor Bowls Club on 01179 633640

Junior Coaching Information

Junior Coaching is 10 am to 12 noon every Saturday.  Juniors are welcome to play at the club during school holidays,  please contact the club for further information.  The cost for juniors is £2.50  for a 2 hour session

Information For Parents

The City and County of Bristol Indoor Bowls Club is a nine rink international standard bowls stadium with a current membership of around 700.  It is open for indoor bowls all year round. The sport is suitable for all ages and is fully inclusive. Our Junior section is run under the guidance of CRB accredited coaches.  It is preferable that parents of children under 12 years of age stay at the club whilst their children are being coached.  They are encouraged to also take up the sport.. in fact five of junior dads have become members because of supporting their children.

Information For Children

Bowls is a sport in which the bowler delivers a biased wood to finish as close to possible to the jack.  It is a challenging, skilful, friendly, fun sport that is played both indoors and outdoors.

As you progress in the sport you are encouraged to participate in club bowling activities such as roll ups, umbrellas, leagues, matches, internal and external competitions.  Our juniors regularly progress to represent the club playing in county national and county competitions.

Matches are arranged during the year with juniors at other indoor bowls clubs as can be seen from the Junior News section with travel and other costs being met from fund raising activities.

Members Handbook

See link below to download a copy

Members Handbook 2023-24

Privacy Statement

See link below for the club’s privacy policy.

City and County of Bristol Indoor Bowls Club Ltd Privacy Policy v.2

Safeguarding Policy

The City & County of Bristol Indoor Bowls Club Ltd. subscribes to the Bowls England safeguarding and anti-bullying policies which can be found at